[x] Profile Page: As a user, I can view other people's profiles so I can see their posts and learn more about them.
[x] Most Followed Profiles: As a user, I can see a list of the most followed profiles so that I can see which profiles are most followed.
[x] User profile - user statistics: As a user, I can see statistics about a specific user: bio, number of posts, follows and users followed so that I can learn more about the user.
[x] Follow/unfollow a user: As a logged in user, I can follow and unfollow other users so that I can see and remove posts from specific users in my post feed.
[x] View all posts by a specific user: As a user, I can view all posts by a specific user so I can catch up on their latest posts, or decide to follow them.
[x] Edit Profile: As a logged in user, I can edit my profile so I can change my profile picture and my profile whenever I want.
[x] Update username and password: As a logged in user, I can update my username and password so I can change my display name and keep my profile secure.
Profile Page