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srxl2EscVoltageSensor on SR6100AT #1

Open Redferne opened 4 years ago

Redferne commented 4 years ago


Looking to get "SMART" telemetry working on this receiver using your code. I attached the Pro Mini to the THR port and there is no life signs. Do you know if this receiver actually supports the SRXL2 protocol on the normal servo ports? I'll hook up a logic analyser and see what happens on the data line.

Cheers and thanks!

AndersHoglund commented 4 years ago

Hi, I do not have any SR6100AT, but your problem sounds very much the same as I have when using FC6250HX/SPM4651T with a ProMini(5V/16Mhz), no response at all to the initial handshake signalling. Then I tried a ProMini(3.3V/8Mhz) and handshaking started working. Still some other issues, no throttle channel on the PWM output, Only a steady 1000us signal. Not found the reason why yet. And I have fried my only two 3,3V ProMinis by using a 5V Nano ISP programmer. Doh. Watch out, the 3,3V ProMini is NOT 5V tolerant. Not sure why the 5V ProMini did not work, there are some difference in baud-rate and of course signal level. Too fast and/or too high, could be either or. Or both.

The initial tests I made with the current code on GitHub was done with a Arduino Nano with CH340 USB and using software serial for SRXL2. That worked, but was impractical for field use, ProMini wirg HW serial would be better I thought. I have to revert to the Nano for more tests... But I have no time for this right now.

Good Luck /A

Redferne commented 4 years ago

Finally got some lifesigns from the SR6100AT on the THR port. Using software serial and a 1N4148 diode. But I'm seeing a lot of CRC errors. And communication is very unstable. This is on a 16MHz 328p with no LDO. Running on 5V or 5.3V from the BEC. Will continue the hunting tonight, any tips?

AndersHoglund commented 4 years ago

You might be better of using zener diode, BAT85 or such. The 6250 I have produced only CRC errors, turned out it is a real bug, Little Endian CRC. I added a workaround for that in spm_srxl.c, enabled by a definition in spm_srxl_config.h. Maybe the 6100 has the same problem, do you have the workaround turned on?

Redferne commented 4 years ago

Came to the conclusion that the 328p softwareserial is not capabable of stable 115200 support. Not with other interrupts active. My idea was to create a GPS telemetry solution and I's just not feasable on the tiny 328p with only one hardware uart. I replaced it with a Teensy3.2 and all is good now. No CRC errors and stable communication to the receiver. Now I will focus on getting GPS telemetry data working :-)

lottacustoms commented 2 years ago

Hi Anders, due you have huge knowledge of SRXL 2 it woulf be great if you have a simple example for a pure telemetry sensor communication over SRXL2. Perhaps so i can update my existing arduino based sensors over I2C for the old tm1000 and.. to SRXL2 communication. I have some code for G-Force, Vario, GPS, Airspeed and running sensors for I2C, but my expectation is that also Spektrum will develop all their futute components based on SRXL2 communication. But I see nothing down the road yet and so I would like to upgrade mine with hopefully your help fo a simple base communication example for any telemetry sensor. So I could use this and upgrade this code then later on with the functional code for the sensors.

Thank you much in advance Anders.

Besr tegards from Germany Marco

AndersHoglund commented 2 years ago

I have not done any "TM-only" SRXL2 device yet, see little point in that since most (all?) Telemetry capable Rxs have an X-bus port. X-bus (I2C) is much simpler to use on Arduino, stay with that until there is a real need for SRXL2.

lottacustoms commented 2 years ago

Hi Anders,

thank you for yor reply, I appriciate that very much. Yes you are right as ling they will stay with the x-bus on the new rx. Anyway I did a small brakout board for your channel extension and it works really very well.

Attched 2 pictures :).

Marco IMG_4362 IMG_4364