AndersMalmgren / FreePIE

Programmable Input Emulator
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Tobii Eye Tracker 5 and FreePie Pitch #200

Open BlueSkyDefender opened 3 years ago

BlueSkyDefender commented 3 years ago

So when looking up and finding out that pitch was not supported on Tobii Eye tracker c4 this comment is understandable.

But, now that the Tobii Eye Tracker v5 is out and is said to support pitch now.

My question is can I just copy all the function "public float Roll { get; private set; }" and replace it with Pitch?

//in   public class TobiiEyeXPlugin : Plugin
private float targetPitch;

public float Pitch { get; private set; }
//in private void EyeDataStreamOnNext(object sender, EyePositionEventArgs eyePositionEventArgs)
//Pitch: Have no idea if this is correct since I don't have a information for this.
targetPitch = (float)Math.Atan2(-eyeOffsetMm.Z, sqrt(eyeOffsetMm.Y*eyeOffsetMm.Y + eyeOffsetMm.X*eyeOffsetMm.X));

Pitch = Lerp(Pitch, targetPitch, 0.6f);

//public class TobiiEyeXGlobal : UpdateblePluginGlobal<TobiiEyeXPlugin>
public float pitch { get { return plugin.Pitch; } }

If not who can I contact to help me get this added/fixed?

AndersMalmgren commented 3 years ago

I don't have access to a tobii eye tracker anymore so can't test. It if you update the sdk and add pitch like you describe it should work

DrunkenTee commented 4 days ago

Did this work for you? I got a Tobii 5 arriving here soon and I wanted to use it for the game Squad as well, which requires FreePIE to make use of Head Trackers.