AndersSahlin / MailCheckerPlus

Mail Checker Plus for Google Mail™ - Chrome Extension
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mail Checker ignores delegated Accounts #19

Closed gnunicorn closed 13 years ago

gnunicorn commented 13 years ago

I have a delegated Account which is accessible from one of the accounts I am logged in with. But sadly I can't configure mail checker plus to include the delegated account for checking. I have to do that manually right now.

gnunicorn commented 13 years ago

Played around with it a little. The URLs are slightly different for delegated accounts ( /b/[NUM]/u/[NUM] instead of simple /u/[NUM]), but hardcoding one in it works. Now the problems seems to be that we currently don't discover them as they aren't shown on the AddSession-Page. Actually delegated accounts are only visible if you are logged into gmail into the account that the account got delegated to. Dunno how we could discover this...