Andersama / obs-asio

ASIO plugin for OBS-Studio
GNU General Public License v3.0
664 stars 43 forks source link

obs-asio doesn't have a version number after windows install #103

Closed derkrasseleo closed 2 years ago

derkrasseleo commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug There is a manifest for obs-asio on the winget-pkgs repository (winget is the windows package manager) and in order to do upgrades, obs-asio would have to have a version number. Issue in winget-pkgs:

Additional context The winget-cli project: The obs-asio manifest:

derkrasseleo commented 2 years ago


Andersama commented 2 years ago

@leochras I've never heard of winget-pkgs and I'm definitely not going to be maintaining it, you're better off asking whoever added the manifest how to get it working. Also, the plugin rarely updates.

vedantmgoyal9 commented 2 years ago

What you need to do is to add a version in the installer you make. Nothing else.

Andersama commented 2 years ago

Ah, well ok, that's not necessarily going to help anyone then because the version numbers for this "plugin" don't make much sense anyway. There are after all two distinct versions really, and only one of which I decided to keep going. First I guess I have to ask which version is winget-pkgs currently trying to install? I'm going to assume it's the most recent Juce based one.

# Created using wingetcreate
# yaml-language-server: $schema=

PackageIdentifier: Andersama.obs-asio
PackageVersion: 3.1.0
- Architecture: x64
  InstallerType: nullsoft
  InstallerSha256: AC83E90D02C24CFEEDCFF41FDEFB7D3B444EE3FD64FF7289CBCBD2173BEA33CD
  ProductCode: obs-asio
  Scope: machine
ManifestType: installer
ManifestVersion: 1.0.0

Or at least that's what I'm assuming is what this manifest is about?

Andersama commented 2 years ago

How exactly would this work without updating the manifest for you guys? It seems as though this is just executing the installer specified at the url. Even if I updated the installer, the next installer wouldn't be at that url, how would winget-pkgs know there was any update?

Andersama commented 2 years ago

So this isn't automated at all? It's entirely user maintained?

Andersama commented 2 years ago

Why is the version number necessary if the url has to be updated, is it like a sanity check that the url is providing the version of the application requested?

I should add I'm not the one who would be rebuilding the plugin in order to redo the installer, there likely won't be an update to the plugin for an extremely long time.

derkrasseleo commented 2 years ago

Yes, it is user maintained, and we will have to update the installer link if there was a new version. Winget is still in development and therefore not perfect. The developer only has to consider (maybe for the next update) telling the installer to set a registry key with the version number, so Windows knows which version of the program is installed on the system, therefore Winget can check if there is a new version available.

parkerauk commented 2 years ago

Hello, the main reason for asking is to avoid millions of your customers having delays when running WINGET to update their PCs. The upgrade routine runs every time, when it should not. Core OBS is fine, it is just the ASIO that is the issue.
see: image

It is the only one of hundreds of installed apps that does this on my machine. The only other option is to delete. None of us want this. Thanks in advance. PS It would help ALL users as it will not be long before software without a version number on will be see a security risk.