AndlyticsProject / andlytics

Google Play - Android Market statistics app
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AppCompat Themes #725

Closed staber closed 8 years ago

staber commented 8 years ago

Still a WIP. Account selector is in the Toolbar and a placeholder Nav Drawer was created.

willlunniss commented 8 years ago

Looks like a good start, thanks! Once you have the bare minimum done let me know so that we can get it merged in. Then we can have a discussion over what other changes are worth doing (moving action items around, updating other styles etc...)

nelenkov commented 8 years ago

@staber What's your plan/design for the NavDrawer?

staber commented 8 years ago

@nelenkov Probably use the design support library with the account selector in the header and move Import, Export, About and Preferences over there.

staber commented 8 years ago

@willlunniss It's pretty much ready for review. I'd still like to update the percent icon and the plus-minus icon but Google doesn't have any official Material versions for those. I may look at making some tomorrow.

staber commented 8 years ago

I also have a fix for the app list disappearing during a refresh. It involves changing the main ViewSwitcher to a FrameLayout. Not sure if you guys want to investigate this further or what, but I'm pretty sure I've narrowed it down to the ViewSwitcher.

willlunniss commented 8 years ago

Only had a quick check but it looks good. Can you also include the app list disappearing fix, and then we can get this merged in. Thank you for the contribution.

staber commented 8 years ago

No problem. Fix posted. Thanks for maintaining the app. I use it every day.

willlunniss commented 8 years ago

Thanks, will check this properly tomorrow. What is the oldest device that you have tried it on?

staber commented 8 years ago

Good question...I can run it on a GS4 with 4.4.4 tomorrow.

staber commented 8 years ago

I took the GS4 out of storage and it has 5.1.1 on it. I can put something older on a nexus 5 if you want.

willlunniss commented 8 years ago

Can you give it a try in the emulator?

staber commented 8 years ago

How far back? I put 4.4.4 on my N5 and haven't had any issues with it yet.

willlunniss commented 8 years ago

minSdkVersion is currently 14 (4.0) so could you check that?

staber commented 8 years ago

Lowest emulator I can get working (booting + Play Services) is 4.1.1 (API 16). App is still working correctly.

staber commented 8 years ago

I had to add a method to the DetailedStatsActivity interface.

willlunniss commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the contribution. If you have any ideas over further improvements, please do open an issue to discuss them. There is still a lot that could be done to the UI, but this initial update is a great start.