Andre0512 / hon

Home Assistant integration for Haier hOn: support for Haier/Candy/Hoover home appliances like washing machines and air conditioners in 28 languages.
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Lots of errors "Rule not supported" for my WashingMachine (HW90G-BD14979UDF) #112

Closed FreddyX078 closed 7 months ago

FreddyX078 commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug Lots of errors for my WashingMachine (HW90G-BD14979UDF) with firmware 5.15.0

Environment (please complete the following information):

Home Assistant Logs 2023-09-14 16:04:21.538 ERROR (MainThread) [pyhon.commands] Rule not supported: {'category': 'rule', 'typology': 'enum', 'mandatory': 0, 'enumValues': {'dryLevel': {'dryOption': {'0': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '0'}}}, 'dryTime': {'dryTimeMM': {'0': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '0'}, '30': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '1'}, '60': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '2'}, '90': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}, '120': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '4'}, '150': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '5'}, '180': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '6'}, '210': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '7'}}}, 'addWashDefaultTime': {'stainType': {'0': 0, '3|6|7|8|9|12|18|23': 5, '11|19|24|25|26': 20, '5|10|13|14': 25, '1|2|4|15|16|17|20|21|22': 35}}, 'temp': {'stainType': {'1': 35, '10': 45, '18': 30, '4|14|21': 20, '11|26': 40, '2|3|19|25': 50, '5|6|7|8|9|12|13|15|16|17|20|22|23|24': 60}}, 'stainType': {'extendedStainType': {'WINE': 1, 'GRASS': 2, 'SOIL': 3, 'BLOOD': 4, 'MILK': 5, 'COOKING_OIL': 6, 'TEA': 7, 'COFFEE': 8, 'CHOCOLATE': 9, 'LIP_GLOSS': 10, 'CURRY': 11, 'MILK_TEA': 12, 'CHILI_OIL': 13, 'BLUE_INK': 14, 'COLOR_PENCIL': 15, 'SHOE_CREAM': 16, 'OIL_PASTEL': 17, 'BLUEBERRY': 18, 'SWEAT': 19, 'EGG': 20, 'KETCHUP': 21, 'BABY_FOOD': 22, 'SOY_SAUCE': 23, 'BEAN_PASTE': 24, 'CHILI_SAUCE': 25, 'FRUIT': 26, 'BUTTER': 6, 'OIL': 14, 'GLUE': 16, 'DEODORANT': 15, 'PERFUME': 15, 'ICE_CREAM': 9, 'MAYONNAISE': 20, 'RUST': 13, 'MECH_GREASE': 14}}}}

Andre0512 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for reporting, fixed in pyhOn v0.15.7 :+1: