Andre0512 / hon

Home Assistant integration for Haier hOn: support for Haier/Candy/Hoover home appliances like washing machines and air conditioners in 28 languages.
MIT License
1.22k stars 2.5k forks source link

Forks will disappear #155

Closed svrooij closed 3 months ago

svrooij commented 3 months ago

I see a lot of forks from this repo, in the past these where also removed when there comes an official DMCA (takedown request against GitHub).

So to actually preserve the code, you need to either clone the code locally or use the "import" feature (copy the got link of this repo, press create repo, paste the URL in the import field) to make a disconnected fork.

pabe40 commented 3 months ago

How can I reach them to inform that I'm looking to buy a dryer which is supported by HA. Now I shall look for another brand.

technikker commented 3 months ago

True, but the owner is taking down the content voluntarily themselves, I don't think github have received a DMCA, so this may not apply. Better to be safe though.

Lukasz032 commented 3 months ago

Let's just throw them a battle they want: issue a counter-notification, contact open-source orgs for recommendations about good lawyers, and possibly open a fundraiser to pay them.

Andre0512 commented 3 months ago

Hi, a takedown will no longer be necessary as a cooperation with Haier could be achieved, see the Timeline of events :partying_face:
Thank you for for all your support, the community makes this possible! :heart: