Andre0512 / hon

Home Assistant integration for Haier hOn: support for Haier/Candy/Hoover home appliances like washing machines and air conditioners in 28 languages.
MIT License
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Apropos Haier C&D #160

Closed andrewfg closed 3 months ago

andrewfg commented 3 months ago

Hi @Andre0512 - from your blog it seems that one of Haier's big concerns is the high polling rate of API calls (10 seconds) and the impact on their server running costs.

Perhaps during your discussion, you should suggest them to implement a server push model (e.g. based on SSE). As device's status probably only change on a time frame of many minutes, such a solution would drop the bandwidth hugely.

You might cite Philips Hue / Signify whose API is open and published. They are changing from an older API v1 which is polling based to a much newer API v2 which is event driven. The latter is hugely more performant in terms of user experience (state updates are immediate) and also hugely more performant in terms of bandwidth (state updates sent on the scale of tens of minutes vs. polling in the scale of seconds).

Just for info, I wrote the Hue API v2 integration into openHAB, so I have a good understanding how this works. I can provide you with links to the Hue API v2 description and architecture if it helps.

Andre0512 commented 3 months ago

Hi, thanks for your help and offer! Whis is exactly what I spoke to Haier about today, see my post.