Andre0512 / pyhOn

Control hOn devices with python
MIT License
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Incorrect Program Selection When Starting Washing Machine #27

Open gowthamraj07 opened 5 months ago

gowthamraj07 commented 5 months ago

I am using this library to control my washing machine programmatically. While I can successfully pause the running machine, I encounter an issue when trying to start a specific program.

When I attempt to launch the program (All in One 59’), which is already configured on the machine, the machine starts successfully. However, it selects a different program (iot_checkup) instead of the one I configured.


Below is the code snippet I used to start the program:

import asyncio
import ssl
from pyhon import Hon

ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
USER = input("Username for the machine: ")
PASSWORD = input("Password: ")

async def start_program():
    async with Hon(USER, PASSWORD) as hon:
        washing_machine = hon.appliances[0]

        start_command = washing_machine.commands["startProgram"]
        start_command.parameters["program"].value = "All in One 59'"
        await start_command.send()

Note: I am new to Python.

Request: Could someone provide an example or guidance on how to correctly launch an existing program on the washing machine using this library? Any help would be greatly appreciated.