AndreAle94 / moneywallet

An android application that let you track your expenses
GNU General Public License v3.0
569 stars 140 forks source link

Addition of account feature to Moneywallet Expense manager #72

Open adewararilwan opened 5 years ago

adewararilwan commented 5 years ago



What is MoneyWallet Expense Manager [BETA]? MoneyWallet Expense Manager is a computer and android application which is designed to help you keep track of your expenses. The application comes with the following features that make it simple for users. They include:

Expenses tracking: The application allow the user to track their expenses and plan budgets. User ca also organize their data using custom categories, events, places and people tags.


My suggestion is on the


MoneyWallet Expense manager is a simple application that is very easy to understand and easy to operate.

Account Feature: Privacy is one major concern affecting most application. Application is at a very big risk when anybody can just operate the application that could later lead to loss of vital information. But adding an account feature to the application will leave the application safe that only user authorized can operate the application.



The image above is how the account feature can look like when implemented that will allow users to sign up, sign in and sign out.


Account FeaturesThe benefit of having an account feature will provide a security layer where user’s data can only be access by those authorized unlike other application that other user can just bump into the application to steal owner information. Another benefit of the account feature will allow other users to be able to use the application.


If the feature is been implemented it will really improve users experience and change the way users utilize their budget information.


ghost commented 2 years ago

We dont have a central authority to put these accounts into, this app is completely offline. (Exceptions are features used with other apps, export...)

I dont think a account feature would benefit a huge security advantage, maybe we can think about encrypting the database via a local key, such that other apps that have access to the filesystem can't read the contents of mentioned database. The key could be protected by a user password or the biometric features of android.