AndreBL / ip6neigh

Giving local DNS names to IPv6 SLAAC addresses [OpenWrt/LEDE shell script]
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Update Instructions to fw4 nftables #19

Open simpz opened 10 months ago

simpz commented 10 months ago

This project really should be a package or a core part of OpenWrt as it makes IPv6 so much more useful on OpenWrt! But anyway, thankfully this still works on fw4 with minor mods for "Configuration: Dynamic Firewall Rules".

The Change to /etc/firewall.user (step 3) that seems correct and works for me is:

touch /tmp/etc/firewall.ip6neigh
nft add chain inet fw4 wan6_forwarding
nft list chain inet fw4 forward_wan | grep -q wan6_forwarding 
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
nft insert 'rule inet fw4 forward_wan iifname { "pppoe-wan", "wan" } ip6 daddr 2000::/3 jump wan6_forwarding'
echo 'wan6_forwarding rule already in place'

I have added in a check to see if wan6_forwarding is already there and a check that this rule is only applied to Intenet addresses and not ULA ones.

The example /root/ from step 4 can become:


#Initialize the temp firewall script
echo "nft flush chain inet fw4 wan6_forwarding" > $TMP_SCRIPT

#Create new rules for dynamic IPv6 addresses here. Example for accepting TCP connections on port 80 on a local server that identifies itself as 'Webserver' through DHCP.
echo "nft add 'rule inet fw4 wan6_forwarding ip6 daddr $(ip6neigh addr Webserver.gua.lan 1) tcp dport 80 jump accept_to_lan'" >> $TMP_SCRIPT

#Run the generated temp firewall script
/bin/sh "$TMP_SCRIPT"

And of course the rest of your firewall.user needs to be fw4 compatible i.e. nftables. Once it is it needs flagged as such in /etc/config/firewall:

config include
    option path /etc/firewall.user
    option fw4_compatible 1

Just putting out here in case the author wants to update or if this is useful to anyone else.

cvmiller commented 10 months ago

Good information. I'll look into adding it to the documentation for OpenWrt v21.02 and later.