AndreCox / PIBaker

Create Custom Raspberry Pi Images Easily
GNU General Public License v3.0
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distro.img creation progress bar #5

Open joshyattridge opened 3 months ago

joshyattridge commented 3 months ago

Hello me again,

I have been waiting for over an hour to get the distro.img file but it still hasn't been created? how long should the wait time be for this?

And I was wondering if it is possible to add some sort of progress bar in the terminal when you run the file to give some sort of indication on the time it takes to build the img file.

AndreCox commented 3 months ago

It can take a long time for the distro.img file to be created especially if you are not running on fast hardware, It does need to emulate a full raspberry pi which is quite computationally expensive. As for creating a progress bar, this would probably be possible however it would take someone to look at the code and figure out where it is taking the most time. Ansible probably has an easy way of getting progress data which could be used.