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JSDoc Reference #13

Open AndreGeng opened 6 years ago

AndreGeng commented 6 years ago

Getting started

JSDoc 3与javadoc和phpDocumentor类似, 是一个用于javascript的api文档生成器. 你可以在源代码中加入注释, JSDoc工具会扫描源代码并生成html文档. JSDoc的注释代码块以/**开头, 一般直接放在要注释的代码前面.

Block and inline tags

JSDoc支持两种tag, block/inline. Block类的标签提供代码的详细信息, 而inline类的标签则是对document其它部分的一个超链. inline类标签一般会包含{}, 例如{@link}, e.g.

 * Set the shoe's color.
 * @param {SHOE_COLORS} color - The shoe color. Must be an enumerated
 * value of {@link SHOE_COLORS}.
Shoe.prototype.setColor = function(color) {
    // ...


ES 2015 Classes

/** Class representing a point. */
class Point {
     * Create a point.
     * @param {number} x - The x value.
     * @param {number} y - The y value.
    constructor(x, y) {
        // ...

     * Get the x value.
     * @return {number} The x value.
    getX() {
        // ...

     * Get the y value.
     * @return {number} The y value.
    getY() {
        // ...

     * Convert a string containing two comma-separated numbers into a point.
     * @param {string} str - The string containing two comma-separated numbers.
     * @return {Point} A Point object.
    static fromString(str) {
        // ...




 * @class
function Requester() {}

 * Send a request.
 * @param {requestCallback} cb - The callback that handles the response.
Requester.prototype.send = function(cb) {
    // code

 * This callback is displayed as a global member.
 * @callback requestCallback
 * @param {number} responseCode
 * @param {string} responseMessage

@event & @fires & @listens

@event #[event:]

 * Throw a snowball.
 * @fires Hurl#snowball
Hurl.prototype.snowball = function() {
     * Snowball event.
     * @event Hurl#snowball
     * @type {object}
     * @property {boolean} isPacked - Indicates whether the snowball is tightly packed.
    this.emit('snowball', {
        isPacked: this._snowball.isPacked


 * Solves equations of the form a * x = b
 * @example
 * // returns 2
 * globalNS.method1(5, 10);
 * @example
 * // returns 3
 * globalNS.method(5, 15);
 * @returns {Number} Returns the value of x for the equation.
globalNS.method1 = function (a, b) {
    return b / a;


 * The built in string object.
 * @external String
 * @see {@link|String}


(function() {
    /** @global */
    var foo = 'hello foo'; = foo;

@implements & @interface

 * Interface for classes that represent a color.
 * @interface
function Color() {}

 * Get the color as an array of red, green, and blue values, represented as
 * decimal numbers between 0 and 1.
 * @returns {Array<number>} An array containing the red, green, and blue values,
 * in that order.
Color.prototype.rgb = function() {
    throw new Error('not implemented');

 * Class representing a color with transparency information.
 * @class
 * @implements {Color}
function TransparentColor() {}

// inherits the documentation from `Color#rgb`
TransparentColor.prototype.rgb = function() {
    // ...

@mixin & @mixins

 * This provides methods used for event handling. It's not meant to
 * be used directly.
 * @mixin
var Eventful = {
     * Register a handler function to be called whenever this event is fired.
     * @param {string} eventName - Name of the event.
     * @param {function(Object)} handler - The handler to call.
    on: function(eventName, handler) {
        // code...

     * Fire an event, causing all handlers for that event name to run.
     * @param {string} eventName - Name of the event.
     * @param {Object} eventData - The data provided to each handler.
    fire: function(eventName, eventData) {
        // code...

 * @constructor FormButton
 * @mixes Eventful
var FormButton = function() {
    // code...
}; = function() {'press', {});


 * @classdesc Abstract class representing a network connection.
 * @class
function Connection() {}

 * Open the connection.
 */ = function() {
    // ...

 * @classdesc Class representing a socket connection.
 * @class
 * @augments Connection
function Socket() {}

 * Open the socket.
 * @override
 */ = function() {
    // ...


  1. Documenting a parameter's properties
    * Assign the project to an employee.
    * @param {Object} employee - The employee who is responsible for the project.
    * @param {string} - The name of the employee.
    * @param {string} employee.department - The employee's department.
    Project.prototype.assign = function(employee) {
    // ...
  2. Documenting properties of values in an array
    * Assign the project to a list of employees.
    * @param {Object[]} employees - The employees who are responsible for the project.
    * @param {string} employees[].name - The name of an employee.
    * @param {string} employees[].department - The employee's department.
    Project.prototype.assign = function(employees) {
    // ...
  3. An optional parameter and default value
    * @param {string} [somebody=John Doe] - Somebody's name.
    function sayHello(somebody) {
    if (!somebody) {
        somebody = 'John Doe';
    alert('Hello ' + somebody);
  4. Allows one type OR another type (type union)
    * @param {(string|string[])} [somebody=John Doe] - Somebody's name, or an array of names.
    function sayHello(somebody) {
    if (!somebody) {
        somebody = 'John Doe';
    } else if (Array.isArray(somebody)) {
        somebody = somebody.join(', ');
    alert('Hello ' + somebody);
  5. Parameters that accept a callback
    * This callback type is called `requestCallback` and is displayed as a global symbol.
    * @callback requestCallback
    * @param {number} responseCode
    * @param {string} responseMessage


 * User type definition
 * @typedef {Object} User
 * @property {string} email
 * @property {string} [nickName]



 * This class requires the modules {@link module:xyzcorp/helper} and
 * {@link module:xyzcorp/helper.ShinyWidget#polish}.
 * @class
 * @requires module:xyzcorp/helper
 * @requires xyzcorp/helper.ShinyWidget#polish
function Widgetizer() {}


Return value with multiple types

 * Returns the sum of a and b
 * @param {number} a
 * @param {number} b
 * @param {boolean} retArr If set to true, the function will return an array
 * @returns {(number|Array)} Sum of a and b or an array that contains a, b and the sum of a and b.
function sum(a, b, retArr) {
    if (retArr) {
        return [a, b, a + b];
    return a + b;


 * Both of these will link to the bar function.
 * @see {@link bar}
 * @see bar
function foo() {}

// Use the inline {@link} tag to include a link within a free-form description.
 * @see {@link foo} for further information.
 * @see {@link|GitHub}
function bar() {}


 * Provides access to user information.
 * @since 1.0.1
function UserRecord() {}



 * A very long, verbose, wordy, long-winded, tedious, verbacious, tautological,
 * profuse, expansive, enthusiastic, redundant, flowery, eloquent, articulate,
 * loquacious, garrulous, chatty, extended, babbling description.
 * @summary A concise summary.
function bloviate() {}



/** @constructor */
function Greeter(name) {
    setName.apply(this, name);

/** @this Greeter */
function setName(name) {
    /** document me */ = name;



 * @throws {DivideByZero} Argument x must be non-zero.
function baz(x) {}



  1. 多类型
    @type {(number|boolean)}
  2. Array/Object
    @type {MyClass[]}
    @type {{a: number, b: string, c}}
  3. 可为null的type
    @type {?number}
  4. 不可为null的type
    @type {!number}
  5. Variable number of that type
    @type {...number} num


 * A number, or a string containing a number.
 * @typedef {(number|string)} NumberLike

 * Set the magic number.
 * @param {NumberLike} x - The magic number.
function setMagicNumber(x) {


 * Generate the Fibonacci sequence of numbers.
 * @yields {number}
function* fibonacci() {}
AndreGeng commented 6 years ago

Ref: jsdoc