AndreGuo / HDRTVDM

The official repo of "Learning a Practical SDR-to-HDRTV Up-conversion using New Dataset and Degradation Models" in CVPR2023.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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About the metric proposed in paper #3

Closed syujung closed 1 year ago

syujung commented 1 year ago

Dear author, Thanks for your great work! I have some issues about the metric (FHLP,EHL,FWGP,EWG,….)proposed in paper, could you release the related code of these metrics?
Looking forward to your reply!

AndreGuo commented 1 year ago

It's now released, plz check.

jchhuang commented 3 months ago

Dear author, a total of 7 metrics are mentioned on your paper, however only 4 implementation of them are posted on this repo, may you share the code of other 3 metrics