AndreaUnlimited / starfriends

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Wanted: ability to thumbs-up "new picture" posts in the feed #131

Open Cassolotl opened 7 years ago

Cassolotl commented 7 years ago

Submitted via the anonymous feedback form:

would it be possible for us to like or reply to people's "new picture" posts?

screen shot 2017-03-14 at 19 43 19

This has a complicated answer. I've wanted the same feature myself! But there are plans afoot for improving the Feed in such a way that this function would no longer be appropriate.

Basically, sometime in the hopefully near future people will be able to upload or link photos in the Feed and the picture would show in the Feed post itself. Those Feed posts with photos would have the ability to like/thumbs-up them.

Alongside that, Andréa has a preference (and I think I agree with her) for people being unable to judge (positively or negatively) a profile photo - because people will be uploading images they identify with, and a lot of the photos will be selfies, etc.

Lately the Feed has been the life of the party, and people have been uploading photos to the gallery to show off something they made that they're proud of, some flowers to celebrate spring, etc. So it seems important to give users a way to show us their transient what-I'm-up-to photos without having to add them to the gallery. And then Feed privacy settings will be more applicable and useful, too.

If you're reading this, anon, I hope that helps!