AndreaUnlimited / starfriends

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Match % shows as 53% even though we share literally no tags #149

Open azaquaz opened 5 years ago

azaquaz commented 5 years ago

image Is this intended behavior? A quirk of whatever formula you're using? There are other users with no tags, and this doesn't happen with them. Also, please note that "Tags matching what you two would like to be/have/do together" shows as (1/1), when I have no tags in that category. This occasionally happens, I don't know what causes it.

AndreaUnlimited commented 5 years ago

I'd have to get my head back into that matching score thingy, but I can tell you right now that even though the matching tag in a category you've not filled is definitely a display error, it is always possible that you match for reasons that will not be apparent to you (and possibly any of you) because of privacy settings and privacy policy. I will tell you more about this bug when I get to it :) As always, thank you so much for the report, and have a wonderful day!

Cassolotl commented 5 years ago

I wonder if neither of you have things you would like to be/have/do together, and that is counted as a match? :D

AndreaUnlimited commented 5 years ago

I wish I could tell you exactly how it handles this xD