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Tag suggestion dropdown menu appears in a strange place #150

Open azaquaz opened 5 years ago

azaquaz commented 5 years ago

When I tried typing in any of the boxes, it wasn't immediately apparent that suggestions had appeared. However, using my powers of observation, I noticed that a second scrollbar had appeared to the right of the regular scrollbar on the page... While the first scrollbar only took me as far as the bottom of the page (like usual), the new one was able to keep going farther. It appeared to be taking me into some sort of sky blue void. image It soon became clear that I had been transported to the Dropdown Menu Dimension, only accessible through the most arcane arts or highly advanced teleportation technology. Or, well, Google Chrome. I haven't tested to see if this happens on any other browsers. image

AndreaUnlimited commented 5 years ago

Hi! I'm glad you found the existing tags anyway xD I don't have that issue with Chrome, can you tell me what version you are using, on what operative system and on what device if not a desktop computer ? Thank you so much for your help!

azaquaz commented 5 years ago

Chrome 71.0.3578.98, Windows 10, and it's a laptop. The suggestions also don't appear in Chrome on my Android phone, but there's no way to scroll down and find them that I can figure out there. Also, checking my Chrome version made it download an update so I'm going to try updating and see if it still happens.

azaquaz commented 5 years ago

OK, it's still a problem for me on Chrome 72.0.3626.81.

Cassolotl commented 5 years ago

Oh I have this bug too! Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit), Mac 10.14.2. (Chrome is updating right now but if it didn't help azaquaz it probably won't help me either.)

AndreaUnlimited commented 5 years ago

Interesting, thanks to you both! I'm gonna check that, I'm guessing translating the little plugin to Semantic UI as has been done for the rest of the website will fix that :) Thank you again and have a wonderful week-end!

Cassolotl commented 5 years ago

Thanks, good luck! :)