AndreaUnlimited / starfriends

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State privacy policy on landing page #154

Open funnyflowerpot opened 4 years ago

funnyflowerpot commented 4 years ago

Hello all,

Thanks for putting in the effort to create such a social network! I'm very curious were things will go.

I would like to suggest to mention how personal data is handled on the landing page of the website. A reason for some people to avoid the big social networks and dating platforms is that those networks more or less directly reuse personal data. Explaining that donations are used to finance the server instead of selling data might be a good idea. If it is intended to open source the website here, then mentioning this would also be a selling point.

I assume that with sections like "Starfriends helps you hide" also an audience is targeted that has the want or need to feel safe. I believe feeling safe builds on trust. The representation of people on the social network requires handling personal and sometimes very private information of them. Stating right from the beginning that data privacy is a priority is one way to indicate responsible treatment of user data that is the very private by nature. If the administrator(s) can live up to that standard, then this can build trust in the social network, and may help to attract new members and keep existing ones happy.

Privacy-respecting social networks are a niche and trying to fill that void may help Starfriends to stand out. Good luck!

AndreaUnlimited commented 4 years ago

Hi! Thank you so much for opening that issue! The data is private and stored according to french rules (CNIL), never to be reused or sold. The project will indeed become open source once it's finally somewhat presentable! All good points that I will definitely have to add to the landing page! Thank you again, I now realise how important this was and I definitely should have thought of that a long time ago :p Have a wonderful day and thank you for your interest in this project! Andréa

funnyflowerpot commented 4 years ago

Whoa, that was quick! :) Happy to read your response! I only have limited time in the next weeks, but please let me know, if I can help somehow. Best regards!

AndreaUnlimited commented 4 years ago

No problem, I'll just post here if I need help, but it seems like something @Cassolotl and I can handle don't worry <3