AndreasFagschlunger / O2Xfs

Java API for accessing CEN/XFS API, EMV Level 2 Kernel
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There is a question about PrintRawFile310 and Windows GDI file prepared. #71

Closed VitalyEG closed 5 years ago

VitalyEG commented 5 years ago

Hi, Andreas! Could you answer me how to print data using PrintRawFile310? There is PtrFactory factory and PrintRawFile310 structure, but I don't know how to use it? PrintRawFile310 stucture contains file that will have been created through the Windows GDI print sub-system. How can I create such file? And could I put file name of XPS format?

AndreasFagschlunger commented 5 years ago

Hi @VitalyEG! PtrFactory is targets output parameters, so data which already exists. You need a way to create PrintRawFile310 to pass it as input, I suggest you create a Builder class:

public class PrintRawFile310 extends Struct {

    public static class Builder {

        private final String fileName;
        private Set<MediaControl> mediaControl;
        private Optional<PaperSource> paperSource;

        public Builder(String fileName) {
            this.fileName = fileName;
            mediaControl = EnumSet.noneOf(MediaControl.class);
            paperSource = Optional.empty();

        public Builder mediaControl(Set<MediaControl> mediaControl) {
            this.mediaControl = mediaControl;
            return this;

        public Builder paperSource(Optional<PaperSource> paperSource) {
            this.paperSource = paperSource;
            return this;

        public PrintRawFile310 build() {
            PrintRawFile310 result = new PrintRawFile310();
            if (paperSource.isPresent()) {
            return result;

And I don't know if a XPS file works, it completely depends on your service provider/hardware.

VitalyEG commented 5 years ago

I wrote like this. Could you change it?

**package at.o2xfs.xfs.v3_10.ptr;

import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;

import at.o2xfs.win32.LPSTR; import at.o2xfs.win32.Pointer; import at.o2xfs.win32.Struct; import at.o2xfs.xfs.ptr.MediaControl; import at.o2xfs.xfs.ptr.PaperSource; import at.o2xfs.xfs.win32.XfsDWord; import at.o2xfs.xfs.win32.XfsDWordBitmask;

public class PrintRawFile310 extends Struct {

protected final LPSTR fileName = new LPSTR(); protected final XfsDWordBitmask mediaControl = new XfsDWordBitmask<>(MediaControl.class); protected final XfsDWord paperSource = new XfsDWord<>(PaperSource.class);

public static class Builder {

private final LPSTR fileName;
private Set<MediaControl> mediaControl;
private PaperSource paperSource;

public Builder(String fileName) {
  LPSTR fileNameLPSTR = new LPSTR();
  this.fileName = fileNameLPSTR;

public Builder mediaControl(Set<MediaControl> mediaControl) {
  this.mediaControl = mediaControl;
  return this;

public Builder paperSource(PaperSource paperSource) {
  this.paperSource = paperSource;
  return this;

public PrintRawFile310 build() {
  return new PrintRawFile310(this);


public PrintRawFile310() { add(fileName); add(mediaControl); add(paperSource); }

protected PrintRawFile310(Builder builder) { this(); allocate(); fileName.set(builder.fileName); mediaControl.set(builder.mediaControl); paperSource.set(builder.paperSource); }

public PrintRawFile310(Pointer p) { this(); assignBuffer(p); }

public PrintRawFile310(PrintRawFile310 copy) { this(); allocate(); set(copy); }

public void set(PrintRawFile310 copy) { fileName.set(copy.getFileName()); mediaControl.set(copy.getMediaControl()); paperSource.set(copy.getPaperSource()); }

public String getFileName() { return fileName.get(); }

public Set getMediaControl() { return mediaControl.get(); }

public PaperSource getPaperSource() { return paperSource.get(); }

@Override public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder() .append(getFileName()) .append(getMediaControl()) .append(getPaperSource()) .toHashCode(); }

@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof PrintRawFile310) { PrintRawFile310 printRawFile310 = (PrintRawFile310) obj; return new EqualsBuilder() .append(getFileName(), printRawFile310.getFileName()) .append(getMediaControl(), printRawFile310.getMediaControl()) .append(getPaperSource(), printRawFile310.getPaperSource()) .isEquals(); } return false; }

@Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this) .append("fileName", getFileName()) .append("mediaControl", getMediaControl()) .append("paperSource", getPaperSource()) .toString(); } }**

VitalyEG commented 5 years ago

Ok. Thanks!