AndreasFaust / react-ticker

React Ticker is a lightweight, performant React component, that moves text, images and videos infinitely like a newsticker.
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Ticker is not reponsive when div resizes. #24

Open kaushalandpoudel opened 4 years ago

kaushalandpoudel commented 4 years ago

Hi @AndreasFaust, I am using ticker alongside a drawer. But when the drawer is closed I get this fixed overlapping text.

This is when the drawer is open: Untitled

And when the drawer is closed, some text of the ticker is stuck on the right side which is there for as long as the ticker is rendering. Untitled1

I am not quite sure how to overcome this.

hewhowearspants commented 3 years ago

I, too, have this issue. It appears that there is a duplicate TickerElement that does not scroll, and only appears if the ticker grows in width. I've patch-fixed it so that the second .ticker__element is display: none in the CSS, but it is still in the DOM