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Hailing via external services #10

Open danielgrigg opened 11 years ago

danielgrigg commented 11 years ago

When a crash is detected, post to services such as:

Do we want this in the first milestone? It does solve a lot of questions on how we best signal the crash because it's basically up to the user's Twitter Followers and Facebook Friends...

Need to do some research into these services and their capabilities too.

AndreasKostler commented 11 years ago

Hmmm, tough one. I think sms is the most private and fastest (except for voice calls) hailing method. Twitter is reasonably fast but you don't want all you followers to know you just crashed your bike? Same for facebook and google. And obviously there's the issue of flooding EMS with calls for user with many friends. I'm sure there's a way around this, I don't know any of the services above enough though.

danielgrigg commented 11 years ago

good points, some research needed too I think. But SMS is probably all we need for first release. I don't know if you can even send an SMS automatically on iPhone though.