AndreasMarcec / gpt_summary

Command-line tool for downloading videos and summarize their content to text or speech.
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Feature Request: Cost Estimation #1

Open ka1h opened 3 weeks ago

ka1h commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Andreas,

thanks for the great project! 🚀


I would like to request a new feature: an integrated cost estimation feature. This feature would provide users with an estimated cost of processing a given YouTube video before they proceed with the summarization. This estimation should take into account the costs associated with the Whisper API and GPT-4 usage, referencing the pricing details available at OpenAI API Pricing.

Feature Details

A rough proposal of the feature breakdown would be:

  1. Download YouTube Videos:
    • Extract the total duration of the YouTube video to estimate the data size and associated costs for downloading.
  2. Split Audio:
    • Determine the number of chunks required based on the video duration to comply with OpenAI's API size limitations.
  3. Transcribe Audio:
    • Estimate the cost for transcribing the audio chunks using the Whisper API, considering the duration and number of chunks.
  4. Summarize Transcriptions:
    • Calculate the cost for summarizing the transcriptions using GPT-4, based on the length and complexity of the text.
  5. Text-to-Speech:
    • Estimate the cost for converting the final summary back to speech using OpenAI's text-to-speech API.
  6. Total Cost Estimation:
    • Aggregate the costs from downloading, splitting, transcribing, summarizing, and text-to-speech conversion to provide a total estimated cost.
  7. User Interface:
    • Display the estimated cost prominently to the user before they confirm the summarization request.
    • Optionally, provide a breakdown of costs for better transparency.
  8. Logging:
    • Implement comprehensive logging for the cost estimation feature to help with debugging and monitoring the process.


Additional Notes

Thank you for considering this feature request!


Cheers, Kai

AndreasMarcec commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the request. I'm working on it. Though the estimation will probably be pretty rough.