AndreiMisiukevich / CardView

CardsView | CarouselView | CoverflowView | CubeView for Xamarin.Forms
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It only works properly after I refresh the ItemsSource #197

Closed jerryno6 closed 5 years ago

jerryno6 commented 5 years ago

I'm using VS 2019 for MAC, Xamarin.Forms

I used this library in my project, and I saw that, It only works properly if I refresh the ItemsSource. For the first time of loading, it still had the peek for previous Item even when I was displaying the first Item.

I setup as below <cards:CoverFlowView IsViewCacheEnabled="false" HeightRequest="180" PositionShiftValue="70" IsCyclical="false" ItemsSource="{Binding Data.Value}">

  1. When it finished displaying on screen, I swipe left to see the 2nd item => it worked well
  2. I swipe right to see 1st item => It displayed peek for previous item

=> expected: it should not display peek for previous item. because the 1st item does have previous item.

  1. I click button refresh, to load data and binddata again. This time, it worked well.
AndreiMisiukevich commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks for reporting

Why do you use IsViewCachingEnabled ?

Provide please sample. I will help to solve your case.

jerryno6 commented 5 years ago

The reason why I set Value for IsViewCachingEnabled is that: On my view, there is a Delete button, and if user click on it, the card would disappear. But afther that, when I refresh the ItemsSource, some items, it display white ( blank) and some Items it can display the view.

When I set sViewCachingEnabled="false", It worked well.

It sounds like the issue only appear on my project. I will try to reproduce this issue on an empty xamarin project.

AndreiMisiukevich commented 5 years ago

@jerryno6 yeah) It would be awesome, if you fork my repository, add code with issue, then send me branch name. It will allow me to debug easily

jerryno6 commented 5 years ago Here is the branch that I have folked and commited some changes.

It does not work well if I use Xamarin.Forms The peek layout on the left, it does not move, when User swipe. => Expected: The peek on the left/right should move, when user swipe left or right

After swiping left 1 time, then swipe right to see 1st item, The left peek still remains => Expected: While displaying first Item, It should remove the peek on the left

I also countered this error while running my project with CardView in debug mode. VisualStudio disconnected from iOS Emulator & There were errors in the ApplicationOutput Windows

2019-05-09 16:45:35.988678+0700 Project.Mobile.iOS[54288:1110898] dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's has hidden visibility. They should all have public visibility. N10cxxabiv116shim_type_infoE, id, N10cxxabiv117pbase_type_infoE. 2019-05-09 16:45:35.988854+0700 Project.Mobile.iOS[54288:1110898] dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's has hidden visibility. They should all have public visibility. N10cxxabiv116shim_type_infoE, id, N10cxxabiv117pbase_type_infoE. 2019-05-09 16:45:35.989027+0700 Project.Mobile.iOS[54288:1110898] dynamic_cast error 2: One or more of the following type_info's has hidden visibility. They should all have public visibility. N10cxxabiv116shim_type_infoE, id, N10cxxabiv117pbase_type_infoE.

AndreiMisiukevich commented 5 years ago

@jerryno6 i think, you needn't have to disable view caching Could you please provide sample what's wrong with view caching? Show me the error

AndreiMisiukevich commented 5 years ago

Disabling view caching has no sense for CoverFlowView

AndreiMisiukevich commented 5 years ago

The reason why I set Value for IsViewCachingEnabled is that: On my view, there is a Delete button, and if user click on it, the card would disappear. But afther that, when I refresh the ItemsSource, some items, it display white ( blank) and some Items it can display the view.

When I set sViewCachingEnabled="false", It worked well.

It sounds like the issue only appear on my project. I will try to reproduce this issue on an empty xamarin project.

seems your problem can be solved by bindings easily.

So, show me initial issue and we will solve it without cache disabling

AndreiMisiukevich commented 5 years ago

anyway: don't set IsViewCacheEnabled to false (it's important to keep true for coverFlowView)

AndreiMisiukevich commented 5 years ago

removing items works fine, just tried on sample So, if you want to get help, provide sample. I think, there is some bug in your code.

jerryno6 commented 5 years ago

Yes, I will test it again, and provide you the simplest code, if I can reproduce it. Thanks for your support.