AndreiMisiukevich / CardView

CardsView | CarouselView | CoverflowView | CubeView for Xamarin.Forms
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XAML hot-reload not working when Carousel is in a page of a TabbedPage #402

Closed xleon closed 2 years ago

xleon commented 2 years ago

This is making development harder. Any other tab in my app works with HotReload just fine. Whenever I change something in XAML, the page goes blank.

Is there any know workaround?

AndreiMisiukevich commented 2 years ago

Hi, I don't think so. Does it work fine with Xamarin Carousel or another carousel plugin?

xleon commented 2 years ago

Yes, XF CarouselView works fine in the same scenario.

AndreiMisiukevich commented 2 years ago

I'd propose to set "reload entire page" Xaml Hot Reload option and see if it helps)

Let me know if it helped

Also, could you please confirm that the reason is in carousel (not smth different on your page) Thx