Closed Lebed02 closed 1 month ago
Sometimes when trying to update a user via id, the following message appears: Can't find user by provided id. Although this user is already in the system. If you update the user via "@" everything will go correctly and after that you will be able to update this user via id. Is this a telegram problem?
In the console it says the following: INFO: Core api get_user(762156706) exception: Telegram says: [400 PEER_ID_INVALID] - The peer id being used is invalid or not known yet. Make sure you meet the peer before interacting with it
Note: problems with duplicate tickets described in task #57 are still observed
Bot can't find a user by id if user hasn't written something to bot before, but it can always find the user by username. There is nothing we can do about this.
Updated /set_user_tag command to ensure that user has bot's chat so bot can access information about this user.
Approved. Issues not found. All works good.
It is necessary to make it possible to add users via username and user id