Andreone / dokuwiki_plantuml

A plugin for Dokuwiki that generates UML graphs from text using PlantUML
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Support generation of svg files instead of png files #26

Open elupus opened 8 years ago

elupus commented 8 years ago

To use add type=svg to the uml declaration. Note this drops the link around the image since svg's can embed their own links specified in the plantuml data

guillaume-d commented 8 years ago

Hope this helps and someone can merge this!

Juergen-aus-Zuendorf commented 8 years ago

Sorry, but I don't know how to implement and test this. My syntax.php doesn't look like your unmodified file, and therefore I don't know where to insert the new code. So perhaps, is there a chance to get all actual (and modified) files somewhere?

Regards Juergen

guillaume-d commented 8 years ago

Jürgen, if you just want to install a version of the PlantUML plugin with currently only this pull request as only change from the 2011-07-16 one (feature-wise practically identical to the 2015-06-19 one by the way, except for the remote rendering URL fix), just:

  1. log in in Dokuwiki as administrator
  2. go to your Dokuwiki's installation's Admin menu -> Extension Manger link -> Manual Install tab
  3. in the Install from URL: text-field there paste
  4. and finally push the Installbutton.

If you previously had the original PlantUML plugin installed, you will need to repeat these steps on every Dokuwiki reinstallation (and possibly more often).

Juergen-aus-Zuendorf commented 6 years ago

I tried a new attempt using a revised version of the plantuml plugin (see vpsFreecz) which is perhaps more maintained. But I failed again modifying the code with your suggested changes

Best regards Juergen