Andreone / dokuwiki_plantuml

A plugin for Dokuwiki that generates UML graphs from text using PlantUML
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Use cache, instead of media directory #4

Closed whiskeysierra closed 13 years ago

whiskeysierra commented 13 years ago

The ditaa, graphviz and seqdia plugins all use the built-in cache. Would be nice to be compliant.

Andreone commented 13 years ago

Good idea, but: I use the plugin dw2pdf to export pages in pdf. As I use ACL, in order to embed images into the pdf, the plugin must have read access to where images are stored. I don't know if it's the case with cached files. I'll do the test but I must setup a dev environment at home and I currently don't have so much time to that. If it happens that cached files can be embed into pdfs, I'll do the change as you requested.

Andreone commented 13 years ago

I merged your fork, so this is now implemented. Thanks.

whiskeysierra commented 13 years ago

Cool, good to know.