Andrew-J-Larson / galnet-news-discord-bot

Gets news posts from Galnet News, for Elite Dangerous centered discord servers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Enhancement] More markdown #19

Open Andrew-J-Larson opened 1 year ago

Andrew-J-Larson commented 1 year ago

Discord now has header, bullet points, and numerated lists in markdown, need to program that into HTML to discord markdown converter.


# H1
## H2
### H3
Then, it goes back to normal text.

Bullet points:

- one
- two
- three

Numerated list:

1. Starts with 1.
2. any numbers can be used after, and it'll correct its order
3. Must end in a number
Andrew-J-Larson commented 11 months ago

There's also markdown links now:


[Text title](