Open Andrew15-5 opened 1 week ago
After finding the article by adbird through the forum post I noticed the issue:
#import "@preview/rubby:0.10.1": get-ruby #let ruby = get-ruby() // wrong #underline[吾輩は#ruby[ねこ][猫]である] // correct #underline[吾輩は]#ruby[ねこ][#underline[猫]]#underline[である] #underline[吾輩は]#ruby("ねこ")[#underline[猫]]#underline[である] #underline[吾輩は]#ruby("ねこ", underline[猫])#underline[である]
I'm not sure if I can make the underlining easier to do, but I'll have to think about that.
After finding the article by adbird through the forum post I noticed the issue:
I'm not sure if I can make the underlining easier to do, but I'll have to think about that.