It would have a passive small charge that prevents negative status effects (like the quantum helmet in IC2). Then add a slider that will heal hearts (like regen effect) for a high charge cost.
Otherwise keep the passive one as the Nano Med Kit and the healer be a Epidermal Regenerator if that would be easier to manage. I'm sorry in advance if this is not the proper place to post this, but I wanted you to at least see and consider it. If possible I would like to see this in MC 1.5.2, but will understand if you do so for 1.6.2.
It would have a passive small charge that prevents negative status effects (like the quantum helmet in IC2). Then add a slider that will heal hearts (like regen effect) for a high charge cost.
Otherwise keep the passive one as the Nano Med Kit and the healer be a Epidermal Regenerator if that would be easier to manage. I'm sorry in advance if this is not the proper place to post this, but I wanted you to at least see and consider it. If possible I would like to see this in MC 1.5.2, but will understand if you do so for 1.6.2.
Thank you for your time.