AndrewGi / Ero-Bluetooth-Mesh

Pure Python complete Bluetooth Mesh stack
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Documentation #4

Open santhosh12992 opened 3 years ago

santhosh12992 commented 3 years ago

Is there any documentation available on how to use the CLI, along with the provisioning example?

For say, I am having Sylvania smart + bulb and I can use the nrf mesh app or Sylvania smart home app to control the bulb. But in order to understand the mesh better, how I can use this package and issue a command from Linux terminal and control the bulb.

Many thanks!

santhosh12992 commented 3 years ago

@AndrewGi @AndrewGil Any High level user guide also will be more useful.

AndrewGi commented 3 years ago

Hello! Sorry about the delay in response. This library is around 90% finished but it became too big to manage by myself in python.

I started a rewrite a year ago in rust (repo) in order to solve the problems I had in rust. But! the rust library still needs testing because that involved writing USB and BLE drivers from scratch.

I would like to work more on this python Bluetooth Mesh Library but I only have enough time to work on one bluetooth mesh library at a time.

If you have any questions about Bluetooth Mesh or anything let me know and I will try to help to my best of the ability!

AndrewGi commented 3 years ago

All of the crypto functions have tests based on the examples in the Bluetooth Mesh Documentation but sadly a lot of the publicity availably official documentation has many mistakes/typos and isn't up-to-date.

My plan was to finish the Rust Bluetooth Mesh Library and then create an FFI layer for it in python. As great as python is, I fear the byte serialization and other features are too slow in python for BLE and BTM drivers.

Once I get stable a stable Rust library, my plan is to port it to python.

santhosh12992 commented 3 years ago

@AndrewGi thanks for the response and sorry to trouble you much.

I am new to Mesh and have only theory knowledge. I am just wondering, where I can get started using this repo in order to provision and control the BLE Sylvania bulb. Thanks again.

I feel, a simple, single page user guide, will be really helpful.

santhosh12992 commented 3 years ago

Any pointer to any other resources, where I can have hands on with controlling the mesh device, will be really helpful.

santhosh12992 commented 3 years ago

@AndrewGi Could you please help us?