AndrewPaglusch / FlashPaper

One-time encrypted password/secret sharing
MIT License
353 stars 57 forks source link

Translation of template? #163

Closed zarevskaya closed 1 month ago

zarevskaya commented 1 month ago


Thanks for this app!

I would like to know if it was possible to translate all the "bloc" of template + credentials and credit card?

Thanks in advance :)

AndrewPaglusch commented 1 month ago

Hey @zarevskaya, you're welcome! You can customize the templates and add your own - in any language you'd like. Just map them into the Docker container at /var/www/html/templates over top of the default templates.

Here's a snip from a docker-compose.yml file showing you how:

version: "3"
    container_name: flashpaper
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./flashpaper/data:/var/www/html/data
      - ./flashpaper/templates:/var/www/html/templates

In the above example, you would place your templates in the ./flashpaper/templates directory. Make sure they end with .txt and can be read by the nginx user in the container (UID 100 / GID 101). You can set the ownership with chown -R 100:101 ./flashpaper/templates. The permissions can be set properly with chmod 0660 ./flashpaper/templates/*.txt.

I'll close this issue now, but feel free to open it back up and let me know if you have any issues.