Closed Beercow closed 1 year ago
Due to powershell defaulting to TLS1.0
To fix the issue, run the following connamd:
PS> [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls, [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11, [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12, [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Ssl3
I am having the following issue where Get-ChainsawSigmaRules.ps1 Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
[2023-04-10 08:57:26.1158033 | INF] Running C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe: & 'F:\KAPE_UPDATE\Modules\bin\Get-ChainsawSigmaRules.ps1' [2023-04-10 08:57:26.5689588 | ERR] Invoke-WebRequest : The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. [2023-04-10 08:57:26.5689588 | ERR] At F:\KAPE_UPDATE\Modules\bin\Get-ChainsawSigmaRules.ps1:38 char:5 [2023-04-10 08:57:26.5689588 | ERR] + Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $sigmaRulesGitHubUrl -OutFile $sigmaRulesG ... [2023-04-10 08:57:26.5689588 | ERR] +
~~~~~~~~~~~~~[2023-04-10 08:57:26.5689588 | ERR] + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebExc [2023-04-10 08:57:26.5845827 | ERR] eption [2023-04-10 08:57:26.5845827 | ERR] + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand [2023-04-10 08:57:26.5845827 | ERR][2023-04-10 08:57:29.8191733 | ERR] Expand-Archive : The path 'F:\KAPE_UPDATE\Modules\bin\' either does not exist or is not a valid file [2023-04-10 08:57:29.8191733 | ERR] system path. [2023-04-10 08:57:29.8191733 | ERR] At F:\KAPE_UPDATE\Modules\bin\Get-ChainsawSigmaRules.ps1:52 char:5 [2023-04-10 08:57:29.8348047 | ERR] + Expand-Archive -Path "$sigmaRulesGitHubZip" -DestinationPath "$PS ... [2023-04-10 08:57:29.8348047 | ERR] +
~~~~~~~~~~~~~[2023-04-10 08:57:29.8348047 | ERR] + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (F:\ [Expand-Archive], InvalidOpe [2023-04-10 08:57:29.8348047 | ERR] rationException [2023-04-10 08:57:29.8348047 | ERR] + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ArchiveCmdletPathNotFound,Expand-Archive [2023-04-10 08:57:29.8348047 | ERR][2023-04-10 08:57:36.1960697 | ERR] Move-Item : Cannot find path 'F:\KAPE_UPDATE\Modules\bin\sigma-master\rules' because it does not exist. [2023-04-10 08:57:36.1960697 | ERR] At F:\KAPE_UPDATE\Modules\bin\Get-ChainsawSigmaRules.ps1:79 char:5 [2023-04-10 08:57:36.1960697 | ERR] + Move-Item -Path $sigmaRulesGitHubTargetFolder -Destination $sigma ... [2023-04-10 08:57:36.1960697 | ERR] +
~~~~~~~~~~~~~[2023-04-10 08:57:36.1960697 | ERR] + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (F:\\rules:String) [Move-Item], ItemNotFoundExce [2023-04-10 08:57:36.1960697 | ERR] ption [2023-04-10 08:57:36.1960697 | ERR] + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MoveItemCommand [2023-04-10 08:57:36.1960697 | ERR][2023-04-10 08:57:39.2003892 | ERR] Remove-Item : Cannot find path 'F:\KAPE_UPDATE\Modules\bin\' because it does not exist. [2023-04-10 08:57:39.2003892 | ERR] At F:\KAPE_UPDATE\Modules\bin\Get-ChainsawSigmaRules.ps1:93 char:5 [2023-04-10 08:57:39.2003892 | ERR] + Remove-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\" -Force [2023-04-10 08:57:39.2003892 | ERR] +
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [2023-04-10 08:57:39.2003892 | ERR] + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (F:\ [Remove-Item], ItemNotFoundEx [2023-04-10 08:57:39.2003892 | ERR] ception [2023-04-10 08:57:39.2003892 | ERR] + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand [2023-04-10 08:57:39.2003892 | ERR]