So save analyzer was working perfectly for me (great work btw) when it just suddenly "broke" the other day and just kept giving me the following error when trying to view the world analyzer:
03 Jun 2024 16:07:40 ERR [Notifications] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at lib.remnant2.analyzer.Model.LootItemContext.GetActor(String name)
at lib.remnant2.analyzer.CustomScripts.NecklaceOfFlowingLife(LootItemContext lic)
at lib.remnant2.analyzer.CustomScripts.<>c.<.cctor>b__26_3(LootItemContext lic)
at lib.remnant2.analyzer.Analyzer.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<FillLootGroups>g__ProcessPrerequisitesAndScripts|1(Zone zone, Location location, LootGroup lootGroup, LootItem lootItem)
at lib.remnant2.analyzer.Analyzer.FillLootGroups(RolledWorld world)
at lib.remnant2.analyzer.Analyzer.Analyze(String folderPath, Dataset oldDataset)
at Remnant2SaveAnalyzer.RemnantSave.UpdateCharacters() in Remnant2SaveAnalyzer\RemnantSave.cs:line 105
Not sure what caused it but it's remained broken ever since, Save Guardian still works but for some reason Save Analyzer be ded for me now.
So save analyzer was working perfectly for me (great work btw) when it just suddenly "broke" the other day and just kept giving me the following error when trying to view the world analyzer:
Not sure what caused it but it's remained broken ever since, Save Guardian still works but for some reason Save Analyzer be ded for me now.