Closed xwev closed 8 years ago
Is this the pr he is talking about when he said that we can use this modification to have perfomance gains?
Looks like this will be in 4.13.
excellent -- happy to hear this! :)
This release brings hundreds of updates for Unreal Engine 4, including 145 improvements submitted by the community of Unreal Engine developers on GitHub! Thanks to all of these contributors to Unreal Engine 4.13:
alk3ovation, Allegorithmic (Allegorithmic), Alwin Tom (alwintom), Andreas Axelsson (judgeaxl), Andrew Scheidecker (AndrewScheidecker), Andrian Nord (NightNord), ArnoB (ABeekhub), Artem (umerov1999), Artem V. Navrotskiy (bozaro), Błażej Szczygieł (zaps166), Brent Scriver (FineRedMist), Cedric Neukirchen (eXifreXi), Céleste (CelPlays), Chris Conway (Koderz), Chris528, Christoph Becher (chbecher), Christopher P. Yarger (cpyarger), DanielDylan, DaveC79, Derek van Vliet (derekvanvliet), DevVancouver, Eric-Ketchum, Eugene (grisevg), Franco Salas (SupremeNinjaMaster), gameDNA (gameDNAstudio), ghost, Joel McGinnis (joelmcginnis), Jonathan Johansson (DualCoder), Jørgen P. Tjernø (jorgenpt), Joshua Kaiser (JoshuaKaiser), korkuveren, Kory Postma (korypostma), Krish Munot (KrishMunot), Kuts Alexey (krunt), Lars Jørgen Solberg (larsjsol), Lectem, Lee Reilly (leereilly), Lukasz Baran (iniside), madsystem, Manny (Manny-MADE), Marat Radchenko (slonopotamus), Markus Breyer (pluranium), Martin Gerhardy (mgerhardy), Marvin Pohl (pampersrocker), massanoori, Mateusz Polewaczyk (matii1509), Matthias Huerbe (MatzeOGH), Matthijs Lavrijsen (Mattiwatti), MaximDC, mfortin-bhvr, Michael Allar (Allar), Michael Schoell (MichaelSchoell), mik14a, Miłosz Kosobucki (MiKom), mkirzinger, Moritz Wundke (moritz-wundke), Nachtmahr (NachtMahr87), Narendra Umate (ardneran), NaturalMotionTechnology, Oleksandr Kuznietsov (Teivaz), OWIAdmin, Patryk Stępniewski (kodomastro), Paul Evans (paulevans), pfranz, Piotr Bąk (Pierdek), PistonMiner, projectgheist, Rama (EverNewJoy), Ricardo Maes (kukiric), Rick Deist (dreckard), Robert Segal (robertfsegal), RobertTroughton, Rohan Liston (rohanliston), Saffron (SaffronCR), Sajid (sajidfarooq), salamanderrake, Samuel Maddock (samuelmaddock), Sébastien Rombauts (SRombauts), Tanner Mickelson (DarthCoder117), Thomas Mayer (tommybear), tmiv, Tyler Thompson (Bogustus), Victor Polevoy (vityafx), Webster Sheets (Web-eWorks), Wesley Hearn (wshearn), yehaike, Yohann Martel (ymartel06), Yong-Quan Chen (wingedrobin), Yu He (yuhe00), Zachary Burke (error454)
Any word on this?
"Adapted GetStaticBatchElementVisibility to allow component-level backface culling in voxel rendering"
It looked like Mr. Penwarden was willing to accept the change, but seemingly nothing has happened. It would be great to have the performance improvements without needing to modify the Engine source ourselves. Can we send them a reminder?