This is a review of your Fullstack practice project. You may apply the suggestions presented here if you so wish, but you do not have to implement any further changes to receive the credits for your project.
What did I do
I opened the webpage and attempted to register
I logged in with the given test credentials
I attempted to push different buttons
I browsed the existing posts
I created a new post
I opened the views of the test user and other users
I liked posts
Feedback on the user experience
The website looks smooth and professional, good work on the UI
The UI is also responsive and works on a mobile-size display, great job
Very small improvements will make it even better, such as adding padding/margin to make the text not touch the borders of it's containers
The 'infinite scroll' of the post feed works very well
Although the website is a work in progress with it's missing features, it looks like a great start
Feedback on the code
The frontend is mostly organized into reasonable files and components, and the code is clear and readable.
The return-part in navbar/index.jsx is a bit long. Usually, when comments have to clarify the code structure, it is a sign that things should be separated into smaller functions or components.
The getUser-function that fetches the user from the server, and the state management related to that is repeated in multiple different components. This could be handled via a custom hook, or a library like ReactQuery or RTK Query. This would reduce the user query handling into just one line while it would also prevent sending the request again if the user was already on the frontend.
External libraries like Redux, MaterialUI and redux-persist are used to simplify and enhance the code
Backend code is good and readable also, and organized reasonably to separate logic
Middlewares are used and jsonwebtoken handles the login in a smart way
Overall, the code is good, readable and well-organized
The application is solid work and a great start. Good work!
Fullstack-project review
This is a review of your Fullstack practice project. You may apply the suggestions presented here if you so wish, but you do not have to implement any further changes to receive the credits for your project.
What did I do
Feedback on the user experience
Feedback on the code
The application is solid work and a great start. Good work!