Currently, the AppBar on mobile does not work and does not match our purposes.
The AppBar will have 5 buttons:
[ ] Home: takes user to the homepage at / where user can search for houses
[ ] Whishlist: takes user to /whishlist, future problem
[ ] Language: Change the app locale (maybe by opening up a popover or a modal, future problem)
[ ] Account / Login: Depends on the auth state, Account takes user to /account, Login opens the login modal
[ ] Logout / Register: Depends on the auth state, Logout opens a modal and asks the user to confirm (since on mobile, it's easy to tap Logout by mistake), Register opens the register modal
Currently, the AppBar on mobile does not work and does not match our purposes.
The AppBar will have 5 buttons:
where user can search for houses/whishlist
, future problem/account
, Login opens the login modal