Andrews54757 / Anti-Anti-Debug

Be able to use developer tools again on user-hostile websites
The Unlicense
100 stars 4 forks source link

Having some issues #5

Closed Newcool1230 closed 7 months ago

Newcool1230 commented 7 months ago

I'm having a hard time getting the extension to work properly on

I'm on firefox, opened devtool on a new tab, disabled source maps, gave the extension permission, loaded the site. My CPU and RAM sky rockets. Am I missing anything?

Andrews54757 commented 7 months ago

I was able to reproduce, seems like they are using a new detection strategy? Will investigate further.

Andrews54757 commented 7 months ago

It seems to only happen on Firefox

Andrews54757 commented 7 months ago

Fixed in 1.0.5