Andrews54757 / Anti-Anti-Debug

Be able to use developer tools again on user-hostile websites
The Unlicense
100 stars 4 forks source link

issue: can't use while the plugin is on. and a question. #7

Closed Id-ware closed 5 months ago

Id-ware commented 5 months ago


i downloaded the repo and loaded that as an unpacked plugin (instead of the plugin i had downloaded originally from the chrome store, before it was taken down) and now seems to work fine. so most of the message i originally posted here is irrlevent, tho some of it still may be relevant (like adding a whitelist feature, and why was the plugin taken down) so i will keep the original message below for those who interested..

original message:

hi, i've been using this plugin and it's been very helpful to me so far.

but, i've noticed an issue: when accessing twitch while the plugin is enabled, you wont be able to use properly (like following a channel, checking notifications, ect) i think they have some kind of a way to try to detect this plugin and block usage of their website while this plugin is enabled.

it gave me an idea, can you add something like a website whitelist so you can disable this plugin on websites you don't want it to work in? (as a simple and quick fix for now)

also, i noticed (in a big delay tho) that the plugin is no longer in the chrome addons store, is the development for this plugin ended? and if so, what other plugin do you recommend to use?


Andrews54757 commented 5 months ago

Are you sure that the "plugin" you are talking about is Anti-Anti-Debug? It has never been taken down from the web store.