Andrewsher / X-Net

X-Net: Brain Stroke Lesion Segmentation Based on Depthwise Seperable Convolution and Long Range Dependencies (MICCAI 2019)
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Question about Preprocessing step #2

Open sustecher opened 4 years ago

sustecher commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your sharing code. I am wondering if there are some preprocessing steps involved in your methods. Could you share the code about how to generate the ATLAS.h5 from raw data (229 cases)?


Andrewsher commented 1 year ago

The preprocessing steps are: (1) Download ATLAS dataset. (2) Normalization by dividing by max(value). (3) Convert it to h5 format. You can also use other data types if you like.

Andrewsher commented 1 year ago

Step (2) and (3) can be found here: