AndreyAkinshin / knockout-mvc

Power of Knockout.js for ASP.NET MVC
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'System.NotSupportedException in Computed #46

Open amellini opened 10 years ago

amellini commented 10 years ago

I have this computed property [Computed] public decimal CostoCalcolato { get { return Fornitore + Facon + Tessuto + Fodera + Accessori + TrasportoInterno + TrasportoCliente + TrasportoAccessori + Dogana + ImportoFinanziamento + Varie; } }

in my model, all properties used in the get method are decimal, the error i get is: NotSupportedException(); In the basecode it comes from VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression m) in KnockouExpressionConverter.cs.

The Methodname i get is op_Addition that is not supported.

I'm missing something?