AndreyAttr / Evo

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Cleaning code for molecule-viewer-component/webpack.common.config #25

Open AndreyAttr opened 7 years ago

AndreyAttr commented 7 years ago


Need to edit: project.json to exclude: bundle-loader includes-loader

AndreyAttr commented 7 years ago

Also need to clean webpack.common.config file and remove useless comments

AndreyAttr commented 7 years ago

And also - we do not need file-loader for

test: /.(pdb|xyz|mol|sdf)$/,

in [webpack.common.config] Because in the molecule-viewer-component.ts @AndreyAttr used raw-loader to download data to memory

AndreyAttr commented 7 years ago

Also we can try to configure all the information into webpack.common.config.ts See sample here: see section Inline configuration there



  module: {
    loaders: [
      { test: /underscore/, loader: 'exports?_' }
      { test: /backbone/, 
        loader: 'exports?Backbone!imports?underscore=underscore&jquery=jquery' 