AndriSignorell / DescTools

Tools for Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis
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CollapseTable() example in doc and help: get an error message in Desc(t1)... help! #132

Closed sfd99 closed 7 months ago

sfd99 commented 7 months ago

Hi Andri,

just used: DescTools::Desc(t1)

There was a FX conflict with some other PKG, with the same FX name: "Desc". I don't know which other PKG has the conflicting FX with the same name: Desc() :-)

============================ Thanks for the very useful DescTools PKG !.

When I try the Doc code example for the function:
CollapseTable() in URL:

or even the PKG example in Rstudio help pane for CollapseTable() :

  # create some sample data in table form
sex <- c("Male", "Female")
age <- letters[1:6]
education <- c("low", 'med', 'high')
data <- expand.grid(sex=sex, age=age, education=education)
counts <- rpois(36, 100)
data <- cbind(data, counts)
t1 <- xtabs(counts ~ sex + age + education, data=data)

Error in Desc(t1) : unused argument (t1)   # <=== I get stuck in this Error message...

Help! sfd99 San Francisco latest R and Rstudio Ubuntu Linux 20.04 using: DescTools v. 0.99.52 and DescToolsAddins v.1.10