AndriSignorell / DescTools

Tools for Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis
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Create Roxygen2 documentation for functions in `Desc.R` #139

Closed GegznaV closed 4 months ago

GegznaV commented 4 months ago

I would like to improve functions and documentation related to Desc(). Especially the plot() methods for Desc() as they are not documented. So the 1-st step is to create a documentation form that is above the function (the Roxygen2 documentation) and not in a separate file. This type of documentation allows simplified and less verbose (Markdown-based) syntax, which allows spotting discrepancies (including spelling mistakes, wrong defaults, etc.) quicker. If one uses RStudio, Rd files are created/updated automatically from Roxygen2 documentation. It also makes running and checking examples in RStudio easier.

In this PR, I created Markdown-based Roxygen2 documentation in Desc.R file. In some places improved it a bit, and fixed some typos. Then generated Rd files. The main differences in Rd files should be:

1) The Usage section is generated automatically so the usage items appear in the same order as the functions/methods appear in the file. 2) The arguments in documentation appear in the same order they first appear in the methods.

The remaining things should be almost identical.

All the remaining functions in other files are untouched and can be used as usual.

So @AndriSignorell, would you accept this type of change and allow me to proceed to improve the documentation of plot methods? Or should we choose some other direction?
