AndriSignorell / DescTools

Tools for Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis
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BinomDiffCI method parameter documentation #148

Closed atmiskell closed 7 months ago

atmiskell commented 7 months ago

Sorry - this is not an issue but more of a request for more documentation. We are using the BinomDiffCI function in the DescTools package. Specifically within the method parameter, there are 11 different options: method = c("ac", "wald", "waldcc", "score", "scorecc", "mn", "mee", "blj", "ha", "hal", "jp")) For our uses in Pharma, we need to have options to produce both Asymptotic Confidence Intervals as well as Exact (conditional) Confidence Intervals. We know that the wald option for the method parameter produce Asymptotic but cannot tell which method(s) the other options use. I know you have plenty of references in your documentation ( but are you able to surface more information in the documentation link itself - particularly around Asymptotic method, exact method, or others?

AndriSignorell commented 7 months ago

@atmiskell: Please understand that I cannot comment on this here. I must leave it to you to decide which method is the right one for your application. In any case, it is worth reading the literature provided, as this is exactly what it is intended for. ;-)