Andriamanitra / coctus

Command line tool for playing Clash of Code locally
MIT License
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add stub test script #49

Closed Andriamanitra closed 2 months ago

daxida commented 2 months ago

Is this something intended to be run for every language where we support a template? I just vaguely recall using it only for C and I'm surprised to see that loop over three languages.

How fast it fares for both of three if you happen to remember?

Andriamanitra commented 2 months ago

Is this something intended to be run for every language where we support a template? I just vaguely recall using it only for C and I'm surprised to see that loop over three languages.

Nah it doesn't need to support every language, just the ones that are easy to check. I skipped interpreted languages for now because I don't really want to actually run the code. Maybe there's some static tooling that could help with those? The more we can test the better.

How fast it fares for both of three if you happen to remember?

I've just left it running in the background for a while so I don't know how long it took exactly, but with these 3 languages it does about 5 clashes per second so that should be around 10 minutes for all 2776 clashes. I don't expect it to be ran very often so I'm not too worried about the speed.