Closed AndriyCh1 closed 2 years ago
3rd place in the district olympiad in mathematics
Entered the college. During studies I received a scholarship, including an increased one
2nd place in the regional olympiad in math 🤓
3rd place in the competition "Байт" for programming
I receive сertificates (or "gramotys") from the college for participation in various competitions / contests in programming (there were even first places). During studies I loved volleyball, even went to competition with the team (although I was a substitute player 😄)
Graduated from college with honors. Get first job at the IT company for the position of Full Stack Developer. Entered the university, taking first place in the ranking. I worked for 4 months, but realized that moving to a new institution lacks the time and energy to study all educational material in parallel. In addition, there was an understanding that there was a lack of knowledge in the field of web development. I pay a lot of attention to learning and look forward to vacationing to improve the web stack 🔥 #3
Скласти список всіх (важливих) життєвих подій, визначних дат, досягнень, періодів, що дали приємний і неприємний досвід, тощо. В цьому конкретному випадку довгих списків не буває, натомість бувають погано згорнуті, тому пакуємо сюди все підряд, а про "лишні" події можна буде промовчати пізніше. Список повинен бути систематизованим і посортованим в такий спосіб, щоб читач швидко зрозумів "паттерн" і міг легко орієнтуватись в просторі і часі цього резюме.