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Dear androidide Development Team #1839

Open 2376780283 opened 5 days ago

2376780283 commented 5 days ago

Issue Checklist

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EN: Dear Android IDE Development Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am a dedicated user of the Android IDE application and greatly appreciate the powerful development tools you provide. However, during my usage, I have encountered some issues and would like to offer a few suggestions for improvements that could better meet user needs.

Issue Description: While using the built-in terminal of the Android IDE, I found that the default software sources have certain limitations, leading to permission issues or incomplete packages when installing some software. For example, I encountered the following error while trying to install neofetch and other tools:

dpkg-deb: error: paste subprocess was killed by signal (Broken pipe) Errors were encountered while processing: /data/data/com.itsaky.androidide/files/usr/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-S6OZRY/0-attr_2.5.2_aarch64.deb

Add Termux Original Repository: I suggest adding the Termux original repository to the default software sources configuration in Android IDE. This would allow users to install and update packages more conveniently. The configuration is as follows:

The main Termux repository

deb stable main Include Additional Packages: I recommend adding commonly used tools like zsh and android-tools to the official package repository. These tools are essential for Android development and daily use, and their inclusion would greatly benefit many users.

Additional Information if ....: To address the current issues, I have tried changing directory permissions, manually installing packages, and other methods, but with limited success. I believe official improvements would greatly enhance user experience.

Thank you once again for your hard work and attention to user needs. I hope my feedback can be considered and implemented. I look forward to seeing Android IDE continue to improve!

[ ZZH ] [Email ]

ZH 我是 Android IDE 应用的忠实用户,非常感谢你们为我们提供了如此强大的开发工具。在使用过程中,我遇到了一些问题,并希望能提出一些改进建议,以便更好地满足用户的需求。

问题描述: 在使用 Android IDE 内置终端时,我发现默认的软件源有一些限制,导致在安装某些软件包时遇到权限问题或软件包不完整的情况。例如,在尝试安装 neofetch 和其他工具时,出现了以下错误:

dpkg-deb: error: paste subprocess was killed by signal (Broken pipe) Errors were encountered while processing: /data/data/com.itsaky.androidide/files/usr/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-S6OZRY/0-attr_2.5.2_aarch64.deb

建议 如果可以的话 😁: 添加 Termux 原始源: 希望能在 Android IDE 的默认软件源配置中加入 Termux 原始源,以便用户可以更方便地安装和更新软件包。具体配置如下:

The main Termux repository

deb stable main 增加软件包 如果可以的话: 建议在官方软件包仓库中添加 zsh、android-tools 等常用工具,以满足更多用户的需求。这些工具对于 Android 开发和日常使用都非常重要,希望能得到支持。

附加信息: 为了解决目前的问题,我尝试了更改目录权限、手动安装包等方法,但效果不佳。相信官方的改进会对我们用户带来极大的便利。

再次感谢你们的辛勤付出和对用户的关注,希望我的反馈能够得到重视和采纳。期待 Android IDE 越来越好!

[ZZH] [Email : ]

Use Case

比如说用户想使用zsh 美化终端 或者使用 终端 配置 cmake ndk python3 waf 脚本环境 这点是我最期待的


可以更好的优化终端 提高实用性 可以加速某一些包的下载速度