AndroidVTS / android-vts

Android Vulnerability Test Suite - In the spirit of open data collection, and with the help of the community, let's take a pulse on the state of Android security. NowSecure presents an on-device app to test for recent device vulnerabilities.
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Malware scanner alerts #135

Open IzzySoft opened 8 years ago

IzzySoft commented 8 years ago

Some malware scanners alert on different exploits on the .apk downloaded from here (see VirusTotal results). If that is to be expected, maybe it should be pointed out in

z3ntu commented 8 years ago

Well it's an application that tests if the device is exploitable so you can expect a virus scanner to pick up something.

IzzySoft commented 8 years ago

Sure (that was my suspicion anyway). Thanks for the confirmation. I've just mentioned it as not everybody might be aware of this – and a comment cannot hurt :)